About Francisco Bassignana

Francisco Bassignana is the director of Krakovia Producciones. He was born in Santiago de Chile into an Italian family. He studied law. At the same time, he began an artistic career and associated with many actors, poets, and film directors. After his law studies, he decided to travel to Europe, where he settled and has lived for over thirty years. In Europe, he developed most of his artistic skills and qualifications, including theater studies at Cuarta Pared in Spain and dance studies at the Ives Casatti School in France. In Paris, he also studied pantomime at the Maximilien Decroux Academy. Additionally, he studied with Corinne Sum and Steven Wasson at their School of Mime Corporeal Drama, worked with the great mime master Marcel Marceau, and conducted research and studies at the Ecole Des Beaux Arts. During that time, he appeared in French films such as "Le Chat Botté" produced by CNDP and "Ceux Qui M'aiment Prendront le Train" directed by Patrice Cheraud. Regarding theater, he performed with the Compagnie du Renard alongside Michelle Galabru. While developing his acting career, he gradually became involved in street performances in many European cities, portraying living statues.

He currently works as a film producer, music concert organizer, and editor of illustrated books. As part of these projects, he currently collaborates with Polish painter Joanna Styrylska, who illustrates traditional Russian and Polish tales. As a film producer in 2014, at the Monaco Film Festival, he received the Best Short Film Award for his debut film, "Made of Stone." Other awards for this film include second place at the International Bangalore Film Festival in India and the First Prize and Audience Award at the Po Godzinach Festival in Poland. In 2015, "Made of Stone" also received the Platinum Award in Indonesia at the Isenma Film Festival and had over twelve official selections, including the Shanghai Film Festival. He recently represented Chile at the Short Film Corner of the Cannes Film Festival as the producer of the film "NIÑOS," directed by Sebastian Olivari. In Hamburg, Germany, he won three awards as the executive producer of the documentary film "THE DIARY OF A BEHOLDER," directed by Jaroslaw Migon. This is the first film production between Poland and Chile. Francisco Bassignana is also the representative of the Belarusian short film "TWEENTY SIXTEEN" in the South American market. He produced the music videos "For You" and "Love You Anymore" performed by AFROJOCKERS. He produced and played the leading role in the experimental short film "PLASTIC LIBERTY," directed by Jose Maluenda, receiving the Best Experimental Short Film award at SAAF in 2018. He also starred in "Plastic Fingers," filmed in England and directed by David G. Paradise, a short film that was awarded at the Monaco Film Festival in 2015. In 2015 and 2016, Francisco Bassignana served as a jury member at the International Independent Star International Internet Film Festival in Kiev. At this festival, he met Ukrainian writer Andriy Permyakov, the author of the book "UCRANIA LOS TIERNOS VENCERAN," co-edited by Krakovia Producciones and Planeta Sostenible. The book was presented in Buenos Aires in 2023. In Ukraine, he also played a role as a partner in the film "ANTON," directed by Oscar-nominated Zaza Urushadze. This film premiered with great success worldwide in 2019. In 2018, he participated as a co-producer in the Chilean documentary "WINGKAMAPU," directed by Álvaro Núñez. In 2021, he served as an executive producer of the short film "MEDANOS," directed by John Robertson. In 2022, he was part of the production of the soundtrack for the movie "GRY O KORONA" in Poland, whose music was composed by Marcin Galazyn. From 2020 to 2023, he has served as a jury member at the Jane Austen International Film Festival in Bath, England.



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