About Us

  • About Krakovia Producciones

    Krakovia Produccciones ia a production company that deals with audiovisual works. The main mission of Krakovia Producciones is to become a cultural bridge between Europe and South America. For this purpose, it leads projects between these two continents, promoting the cooperation of various artists. In adittion, the company owns a publishing branch that has brought out eight illustrated books to date. 

  • Francisco Bassignana is the director of Krakovia Producciones. He was born in Santiago de Chile into an Italian family. He studied law. At the same time, he began an artistic career and associated with many actors, poets, and film directors. After his law studies, he decided to travel to Europe, where he settled and has lived for over thirty years. In Europe, he developed most of his artistic skills and qualifications, including theater studies at Cuarta Pared in Spain and dance studies at the Ives Casatti School in France. In Paris, he also studied pantomime at the Maximilien Decroux Academy. Additionally, he studied with Corinne Sum and Steven Wasson at their School of Mime Corporeal Drama, worked with the great mime master Marcel Marceau, and conducted research and studies at the Ecole Des Beaux Arts. During that time, he appeared in French films such as "Le Chat Botté" produced by CNDP and "Ceux Qui M'aiment Prendront le Train" directed by Patrice Cheraud. Regarding theater, he performed with the Compagnie du Renard alongside Michelle Galabru.

    While developing his acting career, he gradually became involved in street performances in many European cities, portraying living statues.

  • Second place in Bangalore Film festival 2014, Best Short Film and Best Costume at Monaco Film Festival 2014, First Place and the Audience Award at PO GODZINACH  Film Festival 2014, Award Soul of Impulse at Utah Film Festival 2015, Platynum Award at INSENMA Film Festival  2015, Award at INDIE SHORT Film Festival 2015, Best Make-up Award at Short in Fest 2016, Special Award from the Jury in BULVA Flm Festival 2017, Mention for the photography in ART POVERARTE Film Festival 2017, First Award in Category Free at the TRACCE CINEMATOGRAFICHE Film Festival 2017...

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