Privacy Policy for the





1. The Data Controller for the processing of data collected through the website located at is Krakovia Producciones, principal place of business and address for service: Senacka 15/22, Kraków, Poland, email address:, hereinafter referred to as “Data Controller” or “Service Provider”.

2. The processing of personal data is governed by the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] No. 133, item 883, as amended) and the Act on the Provision of Electronic Services of 18 July 2002 (Dz. U. No. 144, item 1204, as amended).

3. The Data Controller shall take all reasonable steps to protect the interests of data subjects and ensure that all data is:

3.1. lawfully processed,

3.2. obtained only for specified, lawful purposes, and not further processed in any manner incompatible with those purposes,

3.3. factually correct, adequate and relevant in relation to the purposes for which it is processed; stored in a form that permits identification of the data subject, for no longer than is necessary for those purposes.




1. The Data Controller shall only use personal information for the contact purposes.

2. The Data Controller may process the following personal information about the User:

2.1. First name and surname,

2.2. Telephone number,

2.3. Email address.

3. The Data Controller may collect and process the following information about how the User interacts with the electronic services (usage data):

3.1. Digits and symbols which identify the end-user’s network termination point or ICT system,

3.2. Information on the date and time of access as well as the scope of each use of the electronic services,

3.3. Information on the use of the electronic services.

4. The submission of personal data as set forth under point 2 of this Privacy Policy is essential to enable access to electronic services provided through the website.




1. The use of as well as concluding electronic services agreements. Prior informed and express consent of the data subject is required to conclude an electronic services agreement under these Terms and Conditions, to enable the provision of electronic services through the website.

2. In accordance with Article 23 of the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Dz. U. No. 133, item 883, as amended) personal data can only be processed if:

2.1. data subject has consented to the processing, unless this concerns erasure of the data,

2.2. the processing is necessary for the performance of the agreement involving the data subject or in order to enter into an agreement requested by the data subject.

3. The Data Controller shall process the data at all times in accordance with the rules set forth under point 2. Personal data shall only be processed in connection with the agreement or in order to enter into an agreement requested by the data subject (point 2).




1. The User is legally entitled to access and rectify his personal data.

2. Every User has a right to control his personal data stored by the Data Controller, including the right to demand that his data be rectified, supplemented or updated, as well as the right to request correction, blocking or deletion of the data where it proves to be imprecise, false, obsolete, no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or if it was collected in breach of the Act.

3. The User may exercise his rights under points 1 and 2 by sending an email message to




1. uses cookies. By continuing to use the website without changing the browser settings the User consents to the use of cookies.

2. Cookies are essential for the provision of electronic services via the website. Cookies, especially those requiring the User’s additional authorisation, contain information that is necessary for the proper functioning of the website.

3. The website uses three main types of cookies: “session” cookies, “persistent” cookies and “analytical” cookies.

1.1. “Session” cookies are temporary files which are stored on the User’s end-device until they log out (leave the website).

1.2. “Persistent” cookies remain stored on the User’s device until deleted manually or automatically after a set period of time.

1.3. “Analytical” cookies provide information on how individual Users interact with and are used to improve the performance of the website. “Analytical” cookies collect information about how Users use the website, what type of website referred the User to, the frequency of visits and the time of each visit. All User data is collected anonymously and used solely for statistical analysis of website use.

2. The User can adjust cookie permissions via options in their browser settings. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found in the browsers’ respective settings.




1. The Data Controller shall implement all necessary technical and organisational security measures to safeguard the data during processing ensuring a level of security appropriate to the nature of the data to be protected and, in particular, protect the data against unauthorised access, takeover, processing in violation of the Act, alteration, loss, damage or destruction.

2. The Service Provider shall take appropriate technical measures to safeguard the electronic personal data against unauthorised interception or modification.

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